6 Steps to Overcome Sadness

A photo I took during the Bigbang, Sydney concert 2015 

I decided to write about something difficult today: sadness - something that affects everyone yet is talked about so little. As a 20 year old, I don't consider myself to be wise but here are 6 things I really feel helps and I hope they help you too. 

    1. Exercise and eat well
  It's important that you take care of your physical body first. A little bit of excercise and healthy eating helps long-term happiness. You can read about happiness foods here. And ofcourse, adding some chocolate to your diet helps as chocolate contains Tryptophan - a building block for serotonin, the neurotransmitter which can produce happiness.
  Exercising also has many benefits including the ability to help reduce insomnia which we know happens all to well when you're really sad.

    2. Reflect and learn
  No mistake or happening in life is something that can not have a positive side. If someone's actions, your own actions or something that happened made you sad, think about why it made you sad in the first place. Can you prevent this happening to other people? We often get sad from other people's actions and especially get hurt if it's from the ones we love the most. You can think about calmly communicating to the main person and how you can prevent others from experiencing the same pain. For example, if you learn how hurtful it is to hear cruel words during a fight (even though it's so easy to get angry and lose patience), make promises to yourself to never say cruel things in an argument. That way at the very least, you're bettering yourself.

    3. Remember the kind of person you were before this
  In the face of adversity, don't lose yourself otherwise you could lose yourself forever. This includes grudges with people...we've all been in an argument where we eventually forget why we started fighting and just make up but that's not always the case so you have to work hard to prevent it.
  Also, what did you do on a daily basis before this? Did you watch movies for fun? Why should you give up the kind of person you were because of sadness??!! Continue to do what you do and you'll find yourself able to lift your mood.

    4. Youtube is always the answer
  I seriously love Youtube. It has something for everyone. Whether you're a procrastinator, an animal lover, music-lover or a constant learner you can do so much with Youtube. Learn how to play the guitar or swap your sadness with frustration by your inability to learn despite the fact that 8 year olds are able to (I'm referring to myself here haha). I find that learning a language you're interested in is also really enjoyable. The best thing though is using Youtube to find new music. I admit that I love listening to ballads and crying which again does have its benefits.

    5. Don't compare yourself ESPECIALLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA
  As you scroll through your Facebook and see others tagged in photos with family/friends remember that's only one part of their story. Comparing yourself to other's happy memories can magnify your sadness. It doesn't mean that you have to avoid social media, just keep in mind that everyone has their own problems and that you're not alone. Just look at me... you see dogs, food and whatever on my instagram but you don't see certain things I cannot mention (even more proof that we sadness is not promoted and therefore not easily seen).

    6. ****Seek help
  Ofcourse, there are different reasons for sadness. If it's ongoing, don't dare to leave it alone. There is nothing better than getting through a rough period and being proud of the actions you took to overcome/achieve something. Luckily, there are many resources available to us. Likewise, there's nothing worse than not trying. If you're not comfortable having the talk with a close family member or friend, you can speak to your local GP who can refer you to psychological or counselling help. Also seek appropriate online or telephone services if you wish however, it's good to have someone close to you support you through. Remember that you're a unique person who requires some attention. Value yourself and value others.

I hope that this has helped in some way.

Here's to improvements to emtional health,

- Tina



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